------------The product description-------------
Arabic Coffee Pot Dallah
*Native File Format
*Other FormatsFbx (.fbx)Obj (.obj)Attention: The obj format comes in lowpoly so you shall add a turbosmooth modifier to be applied for optimum resultGeometry Resolution Poly countBased model with turbosmooth modifier at o iterationPolygons = 2349------------ Vertices = 2389
Dimension / Positioning Dimension Real world scale no scale transformation at the object level Position Centered at the origin (0, 0, 0) Naming All parts are given meaningful name which correspond to their materials for easy identification MATERIALS / TEXTURES Materials The material is of high quality fit for extreme close-up and high resolution renders. TextureINFO : The preview image were rendered on Maya with V-RayBONUS Includes Full render Studio setup with 6 V-Ray Cameras for Maya V-Ray