Tin can set with 4 different can-types
4 different types of tin cans, which can be used for cat food, canned fish, beans, rubbish, and so on...
I made these models with Blender but it is available in 4 different formats, so everyone can use them:
======================================================================================= The Blender file includes all 4 tin cans with a SubdivisionSurface modifier added AND a PBR-Material for every tin can (the one I used for the thumbnail and preview pictures). For the rest of you, who is using a different Software: The models already got holding-edges so you can subdivide them without a problem BUT since I made everything in Blender, all other formats don't include a Material.
Vertices (all together): 8269 Vertices (every single tin can): 1370 - 2778
I hope you like it! Have a nice day!