Ladies_Handbag PBR 3D model
Consist 5 color
Realword size(X * Y * Z) cm: 32 * 17 * 35
The model consists of 3 mesh. Ladies Handbag and 2 handles
The handles rotate along the local x axis
Including model formats: BLEND(native), MAX, ABC, STL, COLLADA, FBX, OBJ
Geometry: Vertex: 44483 Faces: 43483 Tris: 86894
Texture resolution: 4096px. Texel density: ~4800px/m
Texture set: Base_Color(Albedo), Roghness, Metallic, Normal(OpenGL)
All textures are baked and UVs are maxed overlapping
Preview render: Blender Cycles
Created in Blender 2.9