The model is poly mesh UV textured with 4K .jpg 3 set( Cloth01, Cloth02 and Stand) maps: Base color, Height, Opacity, Roughness and Normal map.Single polymesh consists of 3 elements: Cloth01, Cloth02 and Stand.As it can be seen on rendered images.The model has 147173 polys and 147037 verts.
Zip file contains Scanline max2013 file, Scanline max2021 file,blender 3.4 file, FBX2013, FBX2020 and obj file.
Render settings and HDRi are not included.
To gain the optimal realistic render result, user must manually place maps in the shader slots of its prefered program/render engine.
Use double side shader with opacity channel.
A feedback would be appreciated.
Please, before posting a negative feedback, contact me.I will do my best to resolve your issue.
- Images were rendered combining various HDR images and lighting angles, with shader tweaks. - When you importing obj file into 3DS MAX you get mesh with aprx. 240000 polys. Click convert to editable poly and you`ll get 147173 polys. - Blender file opens fine. Please take in consideration it is a new software for me. It may be neded additional tweaks. Blender opens fbx file fine.