lilimy2023-01-06 18:31:52 UTChello, i download the file. i'm a jewelry craftwomen and i want to use this kitchenaid as a pendant. Yesterday, i went to 3d print company and told them to scale the item to 4cm lenght. they told me that when they scale to 4cm, the small parts cant be print because off the thickness like wire beater. They told me that the drawer of this file can arrange the thickness of the smaller parts. Smaller parts must be bigger then 0,5 or 0,6mm(50/60micron) for to print. is it possibler for u to scale the object to 4cm and control the thickness of the small parts when u scale it?
And also as a pendant it is very heavy becaouse the mixer of interior part is not emptied. For to use of a valuable metal it is very costly.
i want to print the object and this problem stuck on my mind. can u please help me urgently? can u please empty the interior part, make the scale 4cm, and control the thicknesses of the small parts ?
thank u in advance
auntdawnsattic2020-12-27 19:47:58 UTCThe stereolithography file is completely unusable