Size 1045*445*8003D model of a multi-tier open charcoal grill equipped with accessories toperform a range of cooking techniques using grills, Teppanyaki hot plates or skewers. Robata grilling lends to an arrayof foods from meat, fish, seafood and vegetables, impartinglight smoky aromas and flavors we seek in grill cooking.Originating from the Japanese tea ceremony, which overtimefound its way to the north Japanese fishermen utilizing thismethod to keep food hot while out at sea for long periods.The evolution of the Robatayaki has brought it into the modern kitchen, where chefs prepare the food and display theirshowmanship in front of diners allowing them to take part inthe entire cooking experience.QUALITY AND CONSTRUCTIONThe MIBRASA® Robatayaki is manufactured with steels ofthe latest technology following the most rigorous qualitycontrols.