Padding on 2k texture - 16 px.
Vase - 134 polygons
Vase -2 - 120 polygons
oinohoa - 257 polygons
Lekif - 169 polygons
amphora - 462 polygons
amphora-2 - 385 polygons
Jug - 310 polygons
Horned-urn - 442 polygons
magic-hookah - 638 polygons
Gin-lamp - 303 polygons
flowerpot-big - 530 polygons
flowerpot-small - 317 polygons
Asset content:
12 archives
Sample archive content:
Archive - Vase(27mb) :
vase-All-texture(Png-2k-8bit) - Cavity, Color, Emissive, Glossiness, Normal, Roughness - Example of naming: (vase-Color)
vase-Ue4-texture(Png-2k-8bit) - Color, Emissive, Roughness, Normal - Example of naming: (Vase-Emissive)
vase-Unity-texture(Tga-2k-8bit) - Albedo, Emissive, Normal, SpecularSmoothness - Example of naming: (Vase-Albedo)
vase-obj.obj(with mtl)