Hey all!
This was kinda like an extra model for decor in the king's room in Esther 6, but it never really got any screen time. I LOVED how it looked, so felt like I should add it here!This 16 piece set includes:
Blend Features:
DAE, FBX, OBJ, GLTF - All converted quite stably, only exceptions are the procedural wood (noise texture stretched), which is excluded cause procedural, and the normals are ALWAYS misunderstood, so for that material (Copper - Engraved), you have to define the bump map included in the zip as a UV coordinates bump map. For Blender, a strength of 0.220 was perfect in most instances. Aside from that, minor material adjustments and you're golden! All curves converted to Mesh.
STL - Pieces joined and exported to STL
Other formats: Formats are provided for convenience sake. Most export reliably, like the above descriptions, but keep in mind what these formats are used for and that they're non-native.
Some example uses:
This tea set is a very warm color and does incredibly well in warmly lit environments. If you have a cooler environment, it'll ad a warm touch to the space. Think of a more white apartment or suite with this by the window or out on the patio! So beautiful!
Be sure to check out Esther 6, KJV if you haven't already!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSaZxE6L96I
All preview images are from the Blend version - Native format