Designed to create a spinning light displayaround room walls, this unit sits above most any incandescentlamp by way of a vertical center rod (supplied by user) that isfastened atop a lamp shade support. The lightfilter rotates as the rising heat from the light bulb passes upthrough its fan blades. Lamp light shining up through the manyholes in the unit is scattered into a spinning array of light shapesthat dance across surrounding walls. Color canbe added to the light if transparent color film is added around theinterior circumference. Tabs inside the circumference of the cylinder aredesigned to hold a 2" x 14.63" long ribbon of transparent color film,or lenses, for a variety of effects. The model is designed tofit within a 5.5" cube of space to accommodate small 3-D printers. Of course, a printed model must be suspended at a sufficient distance from thebulb so that heat does not deform the thermo-plastic; user will have toexperiment for the optimum distance with the bulb wattage used. A light gage coat hanger wire with a sharpenedtip is suggested for the central support rod.