Coca Cola, real drink,liquid for human consumption.
Original upload date of creation is jan 19 in 2015
3D Print licence is Non commercial no derivatives.
Work in progress details may change.As is use at own risk.
Print notes.
Ideal may scan for vessel if vessel
File prints liquid at height. Set feed rate for volume during slicing else to scan.
if person puts cup type vessel on build plate and chooses Coca cola.
Only this licence is able to complete print and is the only 3d print for the stand alone liquid print.
Hence licence stands as liquid poured as no other licence has
Been found offering to print just the liquid. there are around 21 other licences for Coca cola from around the world and those are long held positions for cans and various bottles.
But only mine can fill a vessel to complete request for coca cola when the person has placed there own vessel in the printer stopping other licenced things from printing. Leaving only mine that can complete print.
Buy a copy of this 3d print file for $10. to sell 1000 prints only.Repurchase $10 for every 1000 prints. Max 1 litre per print.From my outlets locations being any and all 3d printers.
I dont supply the filament Coca cola. Always buy the genuine authentic real thing. My licence that covers all 3d printers enables the machines to print thing Coca cola enabling sales.
To date my prior communications with Coke about this they had no concerns with my 3d print licence.
A way to view is if some chain store of shops vending machines 3d printers whatever want to buy coke and re sell it they are ok about selling more Coca cola and us licencing our own in house systems that enable the dispensing printing of said thing isn't a concern.
Always buy genuine coca cola.
Even from 3d printers.
Thank you.