Flight Video - LOUD!! need to volume down!
This is a semi-scale r/c sailplane.Inspired by asw20 and LS08
wingspan : 2,350mmlength : 1,000mmready to fly weight(include battery) : 1,200 ~ 1,400gCG point : 60~65mm from leading edge(wingroot)channel you need : 4ch min.
LW-PLA was used to reduce the weight, and the actual wing load is 30g/dm2.
Although it is a scale aircraft, larger wings were applied to make it more suitable for flight. and especially, with the efficiently calculated airfoil shape, aerodynamic twist is applied for optimum flight.
In addition, it is designed to have a beautiful appearance that is as similar to the real aircraft as possible, and it can be confirmed in real flight.
Of course, the main wing and horizontal stabilizer are removable and can be easily transported into your vehicle.
If the airflow is moderate, it can have a flight time that is close to infinity even if the motor is not running
Basically, it's a thermal soarer, so it's not suitable for extreme aerobatics or high speed, but you can enjoy a slow, comfortable and graceful flight.
Individual parts may require cutting, grinding, sanding and drilling.
It is for people who are skilled in printing and R/C building and have the confidence to take on a challenge.
more info. & questions : rah66@hanmail.net