ARF Trooper Helmet Star Wars

ARF Trooper Helmet Star Wars 3D print model


A full size ARF Trooper Helmet, cut for A Prusa/Replicator2/Wanhao size machine, but full uncut's helmet included also.

Dimensions can be found in the pdf file. The helmet is ~337mm high and ~280mm wide . The hole size is ~211mm wide and ~217mm long.

The back of the helmet might need to be cut out and attached by magnets to fit head depending on head size.

This is a fan-made representation. We are in no way affiliated licensed by Disney

sithlord5012018-11-23 06:37:20 UTC
Is this the blue prints for the helmet and we make it ourselves, or does it come pre made and ready to wear?
abigboss1212018-05-25 22:43:23 UTC
Can you wear this helmet?
VillainousPropShop2018-05-26 20:29:49 UTC
Yes this helmet can be worn.
Item rating
2 0
baseline-studios2020-03-24 19:01:17 UTC
The following parts should've been 2 parts instead of one big piece: 6, 12, 16 and 22. I hope I'll be able to cut it into two or more parts myself, but I can imagine there will be buyers that are unable to do that. Part 5 and 17 are not easy to print as well. Luckily the creator is making smaller pieces after informing, so a great service!
bozzy2018-07-05 10:12:21 UTC
ARF Trooper Helmet Star Wars
Editorial No Ai License 
ARF Trooper Helmet Star Wars
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 52% in 48.0h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (25 files)57.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-01-25
  • Model ID#837621
  • Ready for 3D Printing