Majin Buu, also known as Fat Buu or Good Buu, is one of the most iconic and powerful characters in the Dragon Ball series. He is a shapeshifting, regenerative pink magical being created by the evil wizard Bibidi.
Buu's origins trace back thousands of years, when he was initially created by Bibidi as a destructive force to terrorize the universe. Buu possessed immense power and an insatiable appetite, allowing him to absorb and assimilate his opponents, gaining their abilities and techniques.
After Bibidi's death, Buu was left to his own devices, eventually splitting into two separate entities - the evil Super Buu and the more benevolent, childlike Fat Buu. Fat Buu later befriended the young Hercule Satan and turned over a new leaf, using his powers to protect the Earth rather than destroy it.
Despite his childlike demeanor, Fat Buu proved to be a formidable fighter, capable of incredible feats of strength, speed, and regeneration. His shapeshifting abilities allowed him to morph into various forms, including a muscular Ultra Buu form. Buu's unique blend of power, unpredictability, and ultimately good-natured spirit made him a truly memorable character in the Dragon Ball universe.