Stamp - Decoration MakerDifferent uses: kids playing, clay, ciment, ink tattoo, ink draw, fondant, cooking, biscuit, textures, etc
There are two stamps bases included:
Pre-Sizes at:
On my profile, there are more stamps for different themes
Feel free to resize it as fits your needs - but be aware to resize the base and the draw in same proportion, specially if you use the changeable base.You can paint the printed object, but be aware that depending on the ink you use, it may cover some details, and it can cause some issue in the slider.I would suggest not painting it.
Important: the positive figures on the stamp, generates a negative figure on clay.Its always inverted the figures in you see in the stamp with the figures generated in the applied final material.
the photos in the images are just to demonstrate how it works, it was made with different stamps, but the one you are purchasing is the one from the first photo and named.The stamps in the printed photos are not included.
Easy Printing (there is always a full flat side)No Support Required (may depend on your printer, but on my tests it worked without)
Used this Cura settings on my Ender 3 Pro, printing in PLA:-Dynamic Quality: 0.16mm (this for bases, and 0.12mm for the draws)-Printing Temperature: 200-Build Plate Temperature: 70-Speed: 35 mm/s-Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim or Skirt-Infill: 20% (the higher you use, the more resistance you'll have, but had a great result with 20)But feel free to change and use the settings you prefer.Didn't test it on a resin printer, or in ABS.