OpenRailway EMD SW1500 Locomotive

OpenRailway EMD SW1500 Locomotive Free 3D print model


The EMD SW 1500 is a American diesel switcher locomotive made by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division during the 60's and 70's. Some 800 were made and there are several still in serivce in the United States.

This 1:32 scale version of the EMD SW 1500 locomotive is part of "The OpenRailway Project" which is a Open Source initiative to bring more free model trains to the world. While having done several different 3Dprinting projects in the past i needed something with more attention todetail to 3Dprint. Since me and my dad had already built a garden railway (scale 1:32) it felt like a good idea to go for a train. I went to a model train store in Stockholm to discuss what train that might be suitable and after two or three cups of coffee i decided on the EMD SW1500.

Desingwork began by searching for specifications, drawings and pictures. While i din´t have very much luck finding the kind of drawings i initially hoped for (i did find a few) i had to rely heavily on different photos hence some details may be incorrect. Everything is 3D-printed but the handrail which is made from 1,5mm Aluminium welding rod. The are some details that need attention but basically you can print and assemble everyting if you want to own your very own 1:32 SW1500.

soirereeve2023-11-22 07:50:40 UTC
Looks awesome! Well done.
8jkyu6yyu2021-08-19 10:20:54 UTC
I just love this model
parth1350sharma2020-11-27 14:10:01 UTC
I am impressed with your work but there was one problem. All the loose parts were scattered and made the model unusable
sema3d2020-01-21 06:01:15 UTC
Good work!
gerbon2019-07-24 13:41:16 UTC
Hello Daniel, I'm printing the EMD1500 and have a motor built in, I don't quite understand why there are multiple frames, but I used the 1500, there is one thing I can't find, the roof on the cap 2, everything else fits very well good, beautiful model, thank you for downloading it. Best regards, Gerrit (the Netherlands)
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OpenRailway EMD SW1500 Locomotive
Editorial No Ai License 
OpenRailway EMD SW1500 Locomotive
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 33% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (35 files)9.36 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2015-07-08
  • Model ID#140189
  • Ready for 3D Printing