I am offering a 3D model of the Tesseract holder from the first Avengers film.
I have already made one when I was 9 years old but without 3D, many will still remember it.
The parts are all separated from each other so that they can be printed out cleanly.You have several options for files. you can also print a lot from resin for maximum print quality.The cube and the tubes are included as a file, but I've added a description which youshows what you need in terms of acrylic pipe.You also have the option to replace the connecting rods inside with a threaded rod for maximum stability.You have space for electronics on both sides. Both handles can also be turned like in the film if youwant.Illustrated instructions are included.
I only model models that I need for myself, because I have high demands on detail,as you know it from my work.
You will also need:
! It is only an STL file!
I allow you to sell the 3D printing of it!
You are not allowed to resell the 3D file, it is only for your own use!
I hope you enjoy your ride to Asgard