Another of these mad machines from this wacky episode rolls in! This time, the Autograppler!
Sporting an egg shaped torso, it tries to grapple its target with its long flailing arms and drag them towards its spinning blades.
As soon as the victim is within range, rotate the shoulder piece to extend its shredding teeth!
To make for more dynamic posing and displays, the tips for of the arms have been sized to allow effect parts to be added on. A pair of 5mm port s on the rear also allows for the same!
Now, for the flailing arms, these parts come to be printed as straight pieces. And to form the curvature of the arms, use a lighter or torch to carefully heat it up before bending it into your desired shape.
=== Assembly ===
The attached diagram shows the parts for the Autograppler and how they go together. To reduce visual clutter, only the right side of parts have been shown, with the other side being a mirror image of things.
As usual, 5mm pegs are used to hold everything together. And these pegs can either be 3d printed using the provided files or made out of 5mm rods.
The antannae rod on the top of the head is fashioned out of 1.75mm filament and glued in.
And there we have it - another of the dastardly machines which wreck havoc on the the Autobots. Have fun 3d printing and adding this one to your collections too! =D
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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