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This kit contains all the armor parts needed to make a custom 1:6 Snowtrooper commander figure to go with your Hot Toys or Sideshow Star Wars figures
This kit contains:
Helmets: Movie version with the discs on the sides and a costume test version without them. Both helmets come in both hollow option and peg version. Also neck connection socket plugs in both tall and short options to help get the head height right. The socket parts need to be printed in flex resin to avoid the socket plugs from cracking. I also included a helmet top without the face mask to add extra option for you.
Chestplate in 3 versions: Movie style, Sideshow styled and Kenner (90's POTF2 12 inch figure) details style. There are also versions of the movie and Sideshow style plates without rank badges plus a separate badge piece.
Backplate: Movie style, Sideshow styled and hybrid of both styles for an all in one option.
Shoulder straps: left and right
Merged upper torso's: multiple options of the chest, straps and back joined as one piece.
Arms: Shoulder pads right and left, vembraces left and right in multiple options (with and without faux glove cuffs both smooth and non smooth and comm), slip on faux glove cuffs smooth and non smooth, comm for the left side cuff and finally hand plates left and right.
Lower torso: Belly plate in both movie and Sideshow styles, codpiece and finally thermal detonator in 2 versions, flat backed for glue and hook on version for hanging on fabric belts.