Bolter 3D Print model 1:1 scale. This is a 3D model print file supplied unpainted, not a physical product. File comes with optional stand.
3DS MAX - Autodesk 3dsMax (Primary format)
OBJ - Exchange Format
3DS - Exchange Format
STL - Native Format
LWO - Native Format
Blender - Via OBJ
Cinema4D - Via OBJ
Autodesk Maya - Native
3DM - Native
FBX - Native
Unreal Engine - Via OBJ
Sketchup - SKP
DWG - Native
Unity - Via OBJ
Higher detail render versions of this model are available - please ask for details. Contact us through site messaging for a quick response. We have experience of 3DSMax, Maya and many other applications. 3D Modelling, rendering and animation services available. We are available for freelance work at good rates to create whatever your project requires - please ask for details.