LIMITED EDITION, this STL will be deleted when you get a certain number of downloads, after it is removed from the market the price of such a product may increase significantly!
The lovely part of this mechanical dice is than you can switch the disk and back plate and you have a new one, you can print all the disk and put on same mechanical system, i will post more disks on this channel if this project will be sold well.
A dice that gives digits and random numbers through a mechanical system, this dice was designed by me and works only with a simple rubber band, it can give digits from 0 to 20 and is made specialy for Dungeons and Dragons.
You can cheat with this dice because when you press the button and hold the button it will generate a number, if the displayed number is not to your liking or is too high you can take your finger off the button and it will instantly change to another number. ;)
#Dungeons and DragonsDungeons and Dragons