Obstacles Terrain for Star Wars Armada

Obstacles Terrain for Star Wars Armada 3D print model


One full set of 3D-printable obstacles for Star Wars: Armada, bringing the ultimate level of immersion to your gaming table.

This set includes a total of 14 asteroids (7 asteroids for a set of terrain with 7 optional models that have crystals), 4 pieces of debris, 1 space station and 6 bases, following the original outlines included in the game.

Create a unique effect by utilizing translucent resin when printing the crystal-asteroids.

miniatureevolution2021-02-26 07:59:41 UTC
Hi b3aud, can you maybe provide screenshots of the issues you have found? Either via E-Mail to contact@tetrahedron-games.com or provided as a download link. We have printed every model several times ourselves and never had any issues. Due to the rough surface of the asteroids it is possible that there are microscopical artifacts somewhere, but those usually don't cause any issue when printing. Is the issue something you just noticed or does it cause problems with your slicing software?
b3aud2021-02-26 14:58:51 UTC
problem solved tnx ;)
miniatureevolution2021-02-26 15:37:23 UTC
That's great to hear! Feel free to let us know if there's any information we might want to add to the description or info-sheet, in case other people may encounter a similar issue. In any way, have fun playing with your new Armada terrain.
b3aud2021-02-26 01:41:04 UTC
station, asteroid 5c and 6c have artifacts due to topology issues. and i cant fix it can you plz do somthing
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Obstacles Terrain for Star Wars Armada
Custom License 
Obstacles Terrain for Star Wars Armada
Custom License 
Response 100% in 2.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)591 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-01-15
  • Model ID#2811392
  • Ready for 3D Printing