Fractal Design Node 202 GPU Fans Ducting

Fractal Design Node 202 GPU Fans Ducting 3D print model


I did this ducting for my Node 202 console like case to put in my living room. The ducting is for a MSI NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 ARMOR 8G OC.

No support needed.

Use the included screw for fastening.

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Fractal Design Node 202 GPU Fans Ducting
Editorial No Ai License 
Fractal Design Node 202 GPU Fans Ducting
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 0% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)3.91 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-01-15
  • Model ID#3512679
  • Ready for 3D Printing