Modular herb grinder optimized for 3d printing.
Recommened print settings
External parts are all printed with a 0.6mm extruson width, 5 shells and 0.3mm layer height, 30% infill, except the TopGrinder, for higher strength and faster print time.Internal parts and the TopGrinder are designed to be printed with a 0.4mm extrusion width, 7 shells and 0.2mm layer height, 30% infill.The BottomGrinder and HerbCollector can be printed without support through bridging (intended).The HerbCollectorScreen's screen is intentionally lifted 0.2mm off the build surface to avoid squishing and/or damaging it when removing, no support or bridging is needed.Takes almost 7 hours to print a complete assembly.
Dimensions 64mm O.D. x 41.5mm