Serving banquet table for 12 persons.It will look like in a restaurant, as well as for outdoor weddings.
The file has a tablecloth, chairs and all the serving.Chair Napier Dining ChairComposition of flower arrangements:
The archive files are embedded: max_2011 (vray, corona), fbx (vray), obj, 3ds, V-ray_mat, Corona_mat, textures and preview.Materials customized to each render.
Polys: 2 153 904Verts: 2 334 050
MeshSmooth1 iteration:Polys: 6 685 289Verts: 7 151 858
Where used MeshSmooth, open stack.File fbx, obj, 3ds without MeshSmooth.
Coordinates of the location of the model in space (x0, y0, z0)
Real world size.
Big size textures jpeg format included.
Objects, textures and materials have adequate individual names.
Enjoy using!