Highly detailed 3d model MINOTTI / Carson Writing Desk
To display the metal properly, a ComplexFresnel map must be installed.
L - 180 см / W - 60 см / H - 73 смL - 220 см / W - 60 см / H - 73 см
Formats: 3d Max 2014 / FBX / Corona
For the FBX format, materials are saved separately. FBX Plug-in version: 2017.1
All Maps and Textures
All models, materials and layers have their logical names.
Real World Size (System Units - mm)
Hi Poly Model
Mapping - UnwrapUVW
The model is completely ready for use visualization in 3ds max and Corona Render.
All previews rendered 3ds max + Corona Render
Polygons - 8290