Casa Magna Lorca Console Table 2024W 1400 x D 420 x H 740 mm ( polys 9462 , vertex 9496 )Version : Corona: 6 (Hot.2)- file size 3.17 MB, V-ray: 5 (1.3), OBJ+FBX
The archive contains such materials (2 pick):1) Partridge Birdseye Beige Wood (diffuse and normal map - 4000 x 2000 px, seamless textures, PBR)2) Natural Oak Beige Wood (dif. and norm. map - 3000 x 1500 px, seamless textures, PBR)
Geometry: created with a min number of polys + without Toorbosmooth + Prune Scene. ( + 77% to speed render )