Carpenters VINCENZO DE COTIIS DC1740AThe archive contains such materials (1 pick):1) Calacatta Warm Gold Marble ( diffuse map - 4000 px )2) Vencenzo Marble ( diffuse map - 4000 px )3) Oxide Scratches Gold ( glossy map - 4000 px )4) Cast Brass ( glossy map - 2048 px )
L 1600 x D 1400 x H 300 mm (polys: 16269 )File units: millimeters
Version : Corona: 6 (Hot.2), V-ray: 5 (1.3), OBJ + FBXGeometry: created with a min number of polys (Type mesh:Ngon) + without Toorbosmooth + Prune Scene. ( + 77% to speed render ).