Thank you
Vienna Modular Banquet Seating from The Sofa & Chair Company
Module A
W 850 x D 850 x H 900
Module B
W 800 x D 850 x H 900
Module C
W 1000 x D 850 x H 900
Module D
W 1200 x D 850 x H 900
Module E
W 1400 x D 850 x H 900
Module F
W 2200 x D 850 x H 900
Seat Height 450
Units: Millimeters
Scene: 3dsMax Version 2012 & 2014
Other File Format: FBX, OBJ
Render Engine: V-ray 4.0 (Compatible with older versions)
Color Mapping: Reinhard Gamma 2.2
Geometry: Polygonal
Materials: YES
Maps & Textures: YES (High Res)
Unwrapped UVW: YES, Non-Overlapping
Other File Format: FBX, OBJ
Polygons: 202,450
Vertices: 202,284
Tags: vienna, banquet, banguette, modular, fluted, sofa, seating