Units: Millimeters
Polys: 1.476.295 Verts: 1.062.828
UV Mapped: YesFormats: maxSoftware: max - 2015 or higher Renderers: V-Ray *.max - 3.0 or higher
Note: The product comes without scene, camera or lights, include only 3dmodel. Camera and lights setting include only for primary view on all Beinspirations. Standard material for 3ds max or Cinema 4D include just linked basic textures, and not preconfigured material shader, or other render setting for launch rendering.
This file does not have any type of protection. You can reuse the scene, the render settings, the lights, the materials, but above all you can learn from the file, moving inside the project, observing how the light was created and handled, how materials are developed, what is the role that every textures play within them, and the values that fill every single option.