These are the models of the original and well-known retro roadside cafeteria benches from USA of the 60’s and 70’s. These were modelled and prepared for photo-realistic renderings, close-ups, CG visualization. The retro sofas are ready to be inserted in your scene out of the box. There are 3 versions in this pack.
The booth models are presented as 3 separate groups of meshes, consisting of: booth main body and the legs. So if you like one style of bench and want to change the legs – it’s very easy to accomplish. The sofas were modelled using subdivision method, so if you want them more smooth apply a turbo-smooth or similar depending on your software. The *.max version has turbo-smooth applied, but by default it’s inactive, just turn the bulb on in front of turbo-smooth inscription in modifiers stack.
As this model was primary created for vray render engine, the vray version of the file contains also properly configured and assigned materials for the booths. Other versions have basic materials, so you will need to adjust them in connection with your particular software.
This model uses 7 seamless maps (2K mostly). All parts of the benches are uvw unwrapped.
The original file was created in 3ds Max 2014 with V-Ray materials (2.0 and above). You will receive a 3DS, OBJ, DAE, LWO, FBX, SKP, C4D and MAX file.
All preview images are rendered with V-Ray. You will get only the sofas and not the scenes used for the preview renders. Please also take into consideration that the preview images are the result of the post-production and the look of the benches in your scene may differ due to the specific settings of your own scene. Product is ready to render out-of-the-box. Please note that the lights, cameras, and any background not described above objects are not included in the product. The models are clean and alone in the provided files, centred at origin and have real-world scale.