Great expressive value for a piece of furniture destined tostimulate our most creative and fanciful side; an envelopingsoftness which confers intense moments of relaxation day afterday. Thanks to the many elements from which it is possible tochoose, Peanut B is an extremely versatile sofa which adapts toevery style or space requirement. Peanut B can also bearranged like an island and be placed at the centre of the roomto create a space in which to socialise. There are also someelements available with a mechanism that allows the seat to beextended, for even more comfort. The upholstery, removable, isin fabric or leather, and can be chosen in a solid colour or withdifferent colours and patterns for every module that composesthe sofa, in this way offering a further opportunity ofpersonalisation.The Peanut B. family of upholstered furniture,has been expanded to include new elements that stimulate thecreative and imaginative side of those who experience them.Thanks to new elements with asymmetrical, pentagonal andtrapezoidal shapes, available in various dimensions andcombinations with existing regular elements, Peanut B.Xbecomes extremely versatile and customisable: an island ofsoftness, a symbol of relaxation, the standout feature of theliving area thanks to its unique personality. “Two-sided” designremains the distinctive element of the sofa’s architecture, whichis perfectly expressed by the inclusion of the new armrests andpoufs. The contours of the stitching, which surround the softvolumes of the seats, contrast with the more austere andgeometric shapes of the frame with different seat depths: theresult is a sofa that can adapt to any space and stylerequirement.