Classic vintage-style coat rack with curved hooks and a decorative finial. Includes two versions:
one with a hat and scarf for added detail, and one without accessories.
Perfect for vintage interiors.
Texture size: 4096x4096, 2048x2048
Textures 4k: Color, AO, Height, Normal, Roughness, Metallic
For Unity 2k: AO, Color, Metallic_Smoothness, Normal
For UE 2k: Color, AO_Rough_Metallic, Normal
Includes formats: blend, FBX, OBJ, TGA textures
Coat Rack - 9152 triangles
Coat Rack with Hat and Scarf - 11538 triangles
Allowed for use in personal and commercial projects.
For example, for paid games, films, renders.
!Resale of individual models is not possible!
If you have any questions or problems, for example,
bugs were found with the purchased model, write to me.