2021-10-25 10:52:46 UTCzwl12549
Nice modeling!!
Ref : www.planikafires.com : PLANIKA Fire Line Automatic 3 in custom sizeQuadModelisation are based on the CAD original manufacture model.www.cvl-contract.fr : arborescenceCarper cow = VRAY FUR
All objects are in the scene / ♥ Compatibilty 3dsmax 2009 -> 20XX | Objects shaders and textures well named (easy to manage) | Power shader Vray | Gamma 2.2 | Unit : centimeters | UVWMap/Unwrapping | Not too many polygons | Based Point pivot or center (easy to place)
♥ Compatibilté 3dsmax 2009 -> 20XX | Objets shaders et textures nommées (facile à manager) | Power shader Vray | Gamma 2.2 | Unit : centimètres | UVWMap/Unwrapping | Modélisation polygonale homogène | Point de pivot à la base ou center (facile à poser dans la scène)