This comes with the blend file, obj and fbx.
Verts: 2,586 Edges: 4,918 Faces: 2,362 Tris: 4,724
Color's and Maps included:Phonograph-Metallic, Phonograph-Normal, Phonograph-Roughness, Type1-Phonograph-BaseColor, Type2-Phonograph-BaseColor, Type3-Phonograph-BaseColor, Type4-Phonograph-BaseColor. Record-Normal, Black-Record-BaseColor, Blue-Record-BaseColor, Gold-Record-BaseColor, Green-Record-BaseColor, Purple-Record-BaseColor, Red-Record-BaseColor, Silver-Record-BaseColor.
YOU CAN use it in your game/film Feel free to check out my other stuff! If you have any questions don’t be shy to ask. YOU CAN NOT resell this model, rebrand this model or tamper with the model in anyway.Credit is nice and I hope you have a lovely day!