Hello! Here I offer a 3D model of the gothic pew that is textured with a little damaged and stained dark wood. There are 3 materials that are set to collect elements: Side Supports, Ornaments on the back support and the General skeleton of the bench. All textures are 4k including: Base Color, Roughness, Normal, Height and AO.
There are two versions of the bench. One with empty space in the ornaments of the back rest and the one with plank-filled space.
The mesh is mostly quads with a few triangles were fitted. The flat surface of the seat or the top bench may include ngons due to the use of bevel on the edges.
Textures are packed in texture.rar. They are also packed in the blend file.The obj file of the low-poly and high-poly versions are available; beside, the fbx files are prepared to be imported in any game engine.
There is a video short demonstration abailable here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/D22bRv5vFlI