Model possible to animate in the engine
Model content:
Archive - Armored-chest-UE4-fbx.rar - Armored-chest.fbx, Armored-chest-without-thorns.fbx
Folder(Part-armored-chest) - Armored-chest-Crystals.fbx, Armored-chest-Key.fbx, Armored-chest-open-version-1.fbx, Armored-chest-open-version-2.fbx, Armored-chest-part-1.fbx, Armored-chest-part-2-pivot.fbx
Archive - Armored-chest-UE4-texture.rar (8bit) - 4 color.png, 4 emissive.png, Normal.png, RGB-Roughness-metall-AO.psd, - Example of naming: (Armored-chest-Color-2)
Archive - Armored-chest-Unity-fbx.rar - The same as in the example above, is characterized by properties characteristic of this format.
Archive - Armored-chest-Unity-texture.rar (TGA8bit) - 4 Albedo, AO, Normal, 4 Emissive, SpecularSmoothness - Example of naming: (Armored-chest-Albedo-4)
Archive - Armored-chest-All-texture.rar(PNG8bit) - 4 Diffuse, 4 Color, AO, Cavity, 4 emissive, Glossiness, Specular, Roughness, Metallic, Normal - Example of naming: (Armored-chest-Diffuse-3)
Archive - Armored-chest-obj.rar
Archive - Armored-chest-3ds.rar
File - Armored-chest-max-2013.max
render - Marmoset Toolbag 3