West Elm Black Mobile Chandelier **Archieve includes max file, obj, fbx, mtl and previewsMax file is 2015Corona Renderer 6.2Polys: 160 024Verticles: 116 392 **Dimensions:Overall: 29diam. x 21–81h.Canopy: 5diam.Base: 29diam. x 19h.Cord length: 5'.Min. hanging height: 21.Max. hanging height: 81.Can be found in Westelm.comMetal body and rods.Hardwired.Arms can be moved up and downward.Adjustable hanging height.May be used with a dimmer switch (sold separately).Suitable for use in bathrooms and covered outdoor areas.Accommodates six 7W LED bulbs or 60W incandescent bulbs.E26 socket.UL listed.Imported.