Cattelan Italia Magellano CirclesModel: MagellanoFurniture type: pendant lampShape: circles of different diameters (linear)
The archive contains such materials (2 pick):1) Oxide Scratches Bronze (refl.color map - 4096 px PBR),(2) Polished 46% Black Metal (normal map - 4000 px, glossiness map - 4000 px, mix mask - 8192 px, PBR)
Dimensions:Model 1 - L 900mm D 900mm H 1990mmModel 2 - L 600 mm D 600 mm H 1990 mmPolys: 140 432 ( 3 Models)
File units: millimetersVersion 3Dmax : 2015Version Corona : 6 (Hotflix 2)Version V-ray : 5, update 1.3Geometry: Polygon P (quad)Unwrapped UVs: Yes, non-overlapping