High quality model. Ideal for close ups Excellent for interior renderings. Optimized for v-ray.*.obj may require texture map reassignment.Barovier & Toso - the oldest leader in the glass industryBarovier & Toso - perhaps one of the oldest companies that still exist today. Unambiguously about her age, we can say that Barovier & Toso is a long-lived woman in the world of the glass industry, since the history of the creation of the company goes far back in the year 1295. It was then that the first mentions of the world famous masters of the family Baroviere appear in the sources. It is to this famous genus belongs the notorious inventor and artist Angelo Barovier, who presented the whole world with Murano glass, which was a perfectly transparent Venetian glass. Many famous products of the Renaissance were made by the hands of the Barovjer masters, for example, this is the popular B.W.C. bowl. Initially, there were only a few workshops on the island of Murano in possession of the family, then, as its development began to go on at a rapid pace. Already in 1878, the Barovier masters gained fame in Europe and became one of the most famous glassblowers in the world. In the 1960s, a company of the Barovier genus merged with the no less famous Toso glassblower. From this point on, you can start the countdown of the company Barovier & Toso.