This is a Student Desk Setup which consists of a Wooden Table, Chair, SchoolBag, Textbook, Pencil & Paper and a Juice Box.
All the assests in the set use quad based topology with no Ngons.
Each model has its own UV set and uses the PBR workflow for texturing.
Every model is well textured.
There's already an existing material for each asset so no need to make new materials.
Texture resolutions range from 1K (1024) to 4K (4096) depending on the amount of detail on a model.
All the assets have been UV unwrapped correctly with no overlapping UVs.
Each asset has a triangle count below 90K (90 000) and can be classified as relatively low poly.
The assets are Game Ready and can be imported into any Game Engine.
The Scene file also comes with the assets as seperate archive files incase you need to only import a single or specific asset(s) from the Grouped Scene.The SchoolBag comes in its default pose which can be found in the SchoolBag archive file, If you are in need of a version of the school with its bag handles rigged, feel free to contact me.
Be advised that all the brands and company names in the model set are fictional.