Based on a scene from Asterix in Switzerland, where rows of such objects form a council chamber's amphitheatric seating.The desk was imagined as two types of wood (a dark wood for the base with a lighter hue for contrast). Textures are not included, but materials are set so you can easily plug in any textures you find interesting.
The model can be used either as a standalone piece of furniture (for example, to furnish an office or courthouse scene) or as a basic component in an amphitheatre, as shown in the renders. The array modifiers are set but not applied in the .blend file, so they can be tweaked and varied according to taste, creating different layouts.Also included in the .blend file are: a tiered platform upon which the desks are set; and a wooden railing that runs along the top of the amphitheatre.
There are .fbx and .obj files both for the individual desk and the full amphitheatre.
Made with Blender 2.8