ILLO DINING By MiniformsIllo's head is in the clouds. We have given it overemphasized forms to make it soft and welcoming. This quirky sculpture offers the perfect balance between function and fancy. Available in three versions, for dining rooms, bistros and lounge rooms.
IOLA | Upholstered chair By MiniformsIola shows off design with an international approach, focusing on the ergonomics of the form, ensuring a careful look, one with character. We have given the body the shape of a shell, producing it in expanded polyurethane. Then, on the advice of the hardest to please, we pulled the wings and then the two large arms came out. Iola hints at fashion but comes across as a modern classic.
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Who works with V-Ray version lower than 3.1, pay attention to materials section BRDF (Microfaset GTR (GGX)), if your version is older than 3.1 - this section will be empty, and you have to choose: Blinn, Ward or Phong, d dependence on material “.
Dimensions:Table: Diameter 140 cm/ Height: 75 cmChair: length: 52 cm/width: 58 cm/Height: 83 cm
The number of polygons and vertices:Polygons: 67,449Vertices: 98,623