The names of materials, textures and objects - in English, the paths to the textures are cleaned.
Unit of measure: millimeters
Objects are in the center of coordinates
Turbosmooth modifier is not collapsed, it is disabled on the decor elements. At short angles, it is recommended to include the Turbosmooth and Shell modifiers on the eucalyptus, as well as to increase the number of iterations on the tea set.
Materials for V-ray and Corona were configured separately, not through conversion.
In the scene there is also a lamp in the "unexpanded" state.
Upholstery, body and legs materials presented on the site for these models of the table and chair are stored separately in the library of materials. In the Multi / Sub Material chair, replace the appropriate slot: 1 - legs, 3 - body, 4 - upholstery. At the table, the legs are replaced in slot 1. Articles of fabrics in the names of materials are indicated from the Russian site (in the English version, the articles are different).
Gray-anthracite ceramic table set ZARA HOME: Ceramic sugar bowl ART. 6418/217 Kettle ART. 6418/545 Bowl ART. 6418/211
Table LYON BoConcept https://www.boconcept.com/ru-ru/lyon/3700075T0675959.html?cgid=tables-diningtables
Dining chair ADELAIDE BoConcept https://www.boconcept.com/ru-ru/adelaide/4020B75D0902310.html?cgid=chairs-diningchairs
Chandelier FIVE BoConcept https://www.boconcept.com/ru-ru/five/105060001860.html?cgid=accessories-lamps
Vase COMBI BoConcept https://www.boconcept.com/ru-ru/combi/104011019260.html?cgid=accessories-vases
Who works in the V-Ray version is lower than 3.1. Be careful, the materials in the BRDF section are Microfaset GTR (GGX), if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable to you. For Corona render, it is recommended to install a version not lower than 1.5, since the glossiness of materials is adjusted to fit PBR.