This is a Terrace Wooden Chair ideal as a decoration forexterior as interiors scenes. It was made with Blender and rendered with the Cycles renderer for colored preview and with the Workbench renderer for the wire frames, I also proposed other formats than .blend as : .abc, .dae, .fbx, .glb, .obj, .ply, .usdc, .stl and .x3d.
A bevel is applied to the model and every vertices, edges or faces that was not visible because hidded in this mesh has been deleted in order to reduce the amount of vertices and polygons.
This model has a beige wood material attached to it containing 5 different PBR textures 1024x1024 as ao, diffuse, roughness, normal and height, ao and height are in the material but are not applied but they are present in case you would like to use them. The material contains a PBR node.
It is 516 polygons and 592 vertices.
I am at your disposal if you have any question.
Enjoy ! Thanks.