Inspired by some of the great classics of Italian designs, pre-industrial times, it is built with traditional materials and unique technology, the lathe. The name evokes its simplicity and lightness.
Available for Vray3.6 and Corona 4The zip file contains max,fbx,obj and maps.Stack is openTurbo smooth :Iterations: 0Render iters: 1
Who works with V-Ray version lower than 3.1, pay attention to materials section BRDF (Microfaset GTR (GGX)), if your version is older than 3.1 - this section will be empty, and you have to choose: Blinn, Ward or Phong, d dependence on material “.
Dimensions:Chair: length:42 cm/width: 44 cm/Height: 80 cm
The number of polygons and vertices:Polygons: 102,679Vertices: 56,669