Cover chair by Muuto.
Right click on image and choose 'Open image in new tab' to see the full size.
The scene units are millimeters. The model has real-life dimensions.
The chair consists of two objects grouped together (Sub-D and polygon mesh). Pivot of the group placed at the bottom of the bounding box. No lights, cameras and unnecessary or hidden geometry in the scene.
Please note that for Sub-D objects in 3DS Max statistics shows number of faces (triangles), not quads.
For those who use V-Ray version lower than 3.10.01 choose the file with Blinn BRDF.
Non-native formats:
The preview images rendered with V-Ray 3.60.03, but all the materials were also tested with Corona 1.7 in a similar lighting setup. Wireframes rendered with 'Isoline Display' turned on.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me via personal messages on the site.