Eames Lounge Chair From Vitra,
With Charles & Ray Eames, 1956.
There are three kinds of wood in high-quality resolution in the archive.
The leather material is ready to change color easily.
Because I use Vray displacement for the leather
and 3ds max color pallet for the diffuse.
Every texture has Unwarp.
Turbo smooth has the ability for 2 mods in most objects.
I modeled all the details and Used the best textures with high quality.
You can render in high-resolution modes like 5000*5000 pixels or Even more!
Tip: V-Ray and Corona materials are not properly supported in FBX and OBJ formats.
Lounge Chair: Height 85 cm, depth 81 cm, width 85 cm
Ottoman: Height 42 cm, depth 54 cm, width 66 cm
(3dsMax 2014+Vray 3.2) + Obj + Fbx
Unit: cm
Polygon: 347,227
Vertex: 347,716