Cool Chair 05This Product is also included in A Collection of Cool Chairs which contains 5 3D Models including this one.
Be sure to Check it out.Max & FBX file formats have embedded Texture Maps.
If you wish to download OBJ or 3Ds......Textures.rar is provided in this case.*Technical Details- Low-Polygon ModelPolygons = 4,816 Vertices = 2,410
Texture Map Resolution = 4096 x 4096
Diffuse, Normals, Specular, Glossiness*Renderings- Previews rendered with the Mental Ray renderer.
Background & Lightning setup included in the Max file.*Tip- In real time applications like Unreal or Unity......Texture Maps having a resolution of 4096 x 4096 seems quite high. Considering's a good idea to compress the Texture Maps to 2K to 1K in such cases.