This 2 chair models was created in Maya software.You can use it for animation, architecture, gaming etc as per your requirement. Also you have added fbx and OBJ format. The texture of this model is done in Substance Painter.
chair substance_lether1_BaseColor.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size)png
chair substance_lether1 Height.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size)png
chair substance_lether1_Metalness.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
chair substance lether1_Normal.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
chair substance_lether1_Roughness.png 4096x4096(Texture Set size) png
chair substance_metal_BaseColor.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
chair substance metal_Height.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
chair substance_metal_Metalness.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
chair substance_metal_Normal.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
chair substance_metal_Roughness.png 4096x4096 (Texture Set size) png
Maya related doubt can be asked .. .If it is other software then you should google it. Thank you,