2019-12-05 01:57:14 UTCos-car
L - 900W - 900H - 730
Polys - 25 857Verts - 24 490
Detailed 3d model of armchair.Type of smooth is NURMS for the body only, still in history (NURMS level 1). For closeups just set NURMS level 2. For pillows type of smooth is TURBOSMOOTH(Render iterations level 1).
Originaly created in 3Ds Max 2015Real-world scale.Units of measurement are millimeters.
Number of objects in the scene are 6.
All paths to the textures have been deleted.
Recommended version of Vray 3.1 and higher. For older versions in the material editor in the BRDF section you need to set Blinn.Recommended version of Corona 1.5 and higher
See sofa and other models from this series in my profile.